Private HomeCare supports people of all mobilities to live independently at home
Arthritis treatment at home usually entails assistance with exercises directed by your physiotherapist, assistance with short walks or muscle loosening movements.
Carers will also assist you with any daily tasks that you may be unable to do yourself, due to arthritis.
Caring for people at home with a stroke might require full assistance with personal care, daily walking and exercises (as directed by your physiotherapist or doctor) and light exercises.
If your speech as been affected, our carers will be mindful to assist you with your communications. Our carers are well trained and sensitive to the after-effects of a stroke and will know to be patient and give you time to express yourself.
If you have had a hip or knee replacement, some assistance might make life easier for you until you are fully mobile again. Consider booking a carer for short visits to assist you with the tasks of daily living.
Whether you need full time, part time care or family respite, we can help.
We prioritise the following three areas to our careteam, to ensure your comfort: