Beverley Gannon of Cpl wins the Cpl Healthcare All Star recognition award.
On June 20th 2024, our parent company, CPL, annouced its “All Stars Winners”.
Congratulations are due to our own Beverley Gannon, who won a Cpl All Star Award from the Healthcare Division. Beverley joined Private HomeCare in 2021 and brought with her an extensive background in Project Planning from working with Dublin Airport, as well as previous experience in home care. Beverley started with us as Client Administrator matching, rostering and supporting clients and home support workers. With her extensive knowledge of the business and willingness to always go the extra mile, Beverley has been promoted to On Call Supervisor. “I have worked in great companies before but I have never worked in a team like this. There is always back-up and always someone to help. It’s a real team.”
Beverley’s current position is Team Lead Emergency On Call.
Private HomeCare became part of the Cpl group in 2011. We continue to offer a boutique service to our HSE and private clients of all ages and abilities, with the backup and support of a multi-national companies, particulary in areas such as IT, Finance, Legal, and more.
Congratulations Beverley, we are very proud of you!